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Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-04-29  |  71KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (255 colors)
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OCR: The Limits Panel The Limits panel allows you to specify control limits computations by giving or alpha or retri ieving control limit information from previously created Limits Table The default IS limits Siama/Alpha allows specification of control limits in terms of a multiple of standard errors or alpha probability. The Sigma button specifies control limits atk sample standard errors above an below the expected value which shows as the center line The Alpha button specifies control limits (also called probability limits) in terms of the probability, alpha, that single subgroup statistic exceeds its control limits, assuming that the process IS in control. There must be specification of eitherk or alpha The default value fork is three. To specify the number of sigmas click the K Sigma radio ...